Pos ini merupakan bagian dari liputan khusus kami Gejolak di Libya 2011 [En].
Diktator Libya Muammar Al Gaddafi baru saja menyampaikan pidato yang berapi-api di TV nasional Libya hari ini, Selasa, memperingatkan dan mengancam demonstran antipemerintah dan pendukung mereka, bahwa Libya akan berakhir seperti Afghanistan, Irak, atau Somalia. Ia mendorong warga Libya untuk keluar dari rumah mereka besok dan mengejar “para teroris” dan menyerahkan mereka kepada pasukan keamanan supaya bisa “dihukum mati”. Ia mengatakan akan tetap berjuang bagi Libya hingga “tetes darah penghabisan” dan mengurutkan secara rinci segala sesuatu yang akan diganjar hukuman mati, termasuk bekerja untuk perusahaan asing, menghadapi pasukan pemerintah dengan kekerasan, atau mengancam persatuan negeri. Celotehan yang sepertinya tanpa naskah itu ditonton oleh warga Libya, Arab, dan warga dunia di Twitter, dan memancing sindiran dan tertawaan, bahkan di tengah tragedi kematian dan ketidakstabilan di negara tersebut.
Gaddafi memberi dalih atas tekanan brutal Libya terhadap demonstrasi yang terjadi belakangan ini dengan mengurutkan kesempatan-kesempatan lain dalam sejarah di mana pemerintah membunuh demonstran, dengan mengatakan di antaranya, “Persatuan China lebih penting daripada mereka yang berkumpul di Lapangan Tiananmen.” Besok, katanya, angkatan muda (yang “tidak terpengaruh narkotika”) harus membentuk komite untuk membela revolusinya. “Kalian lebih banyak daripada mereka,” katanya.
Sementara menunggu pidatonya, para tweeple menebak-nebak dengan bercanda mengapa ia terlambat menyampaikan pidato yang ditunggu-tunggu itu [En].
@acarvin: Gaddafi: raise your heads for revolution, for battles of liberation.
@acarvin: Gaddafi: youths were taken from families and given hallucinagenics. Punishment is for the people who gave them.
@rania_hafez: Gaddafi: Those who oppose the Libyan authorities, raise weapons against other libyans will be punished by death according to Libya's law
@draddee: Gaddafi calling for social committees to protect society values, morality and manners #Libya
@habibh: #Gaddafi threatening his own people on TV with death sentences…
@kimo79: The biggest service that #gaddafi is doing with his rubbish speech is that he is unifying the revolution of #libya more and more.
@blakehounshell: what's he reading from?
@themoornextdoor: Reading from the book: the pages are blank, he's making it up as he goes
@EDSETIADI:And this lunatic's starting to read from his green book. Oh crap this is going to be long. http://twitpic.com/42m3bt
@timrylands: Gadaffi now playing the part of my old mad art teacher marking my sketchbook #libya http://yfrog.com/h6vdwp
@acarvin: Gaddafi: they don't want me or libya. This is a criminal act. Anyone who lifts arm shall be punished with death.
@Ssirgany: He switched eyeglasses to read from the green book.
@iandstone: Gaddafi ranting. “Where are the rats and rodents?” “Attacking the police station like mice?” This guy needs Rentokill
@tololy: NOW Gaddafi: “If things reach the level of using force, we WILL use it in accordance with int'l law & the Libyan constitution”
@Raafatology: #Gaddafi says ” Gaddafi is the Glory” I am not kidding. he just said that #Libya
@rania_hafez: Gaddafi calls out to those who love him, to go out and protect the country from those drugged gangs in the street now!! (civil war) #libya
@acarvin: Gaddafi:we didn't use force against the people but will use force if needed, according to intl and Libyan law.
@avinunu: Gaddafi: “All towns and cities that love Muammar Gaddafi must come out into the streets”
@acarvin: Gaddafi: With oil ownership turned back to the people, get out of your homes, secure the streets, take out the greasy rats.
@acarvin: Gaddafi, raising arms in air: Those who carried the arms, young people given armored vehicles.
@acarvin: Gaddafi: you are responsible for the people's committees. I call on the Libyan people to form new municipalities as mentioned by my son.
@nour_odeh: #Gaddafi: world is laughing at u [rebels]. People must form new muncipalities, pplr comtts like Saif told you #Libya
@ChangeInLibya: He's swearing at the people, who are “supporting him”, “in the green square”… Also images 20 days old from green sqr bng shown 🙂
@acarvin: Gaddafi: the struggle for power has been resolved.
@acarvin: Gaddafi: it is the Libyan people's consent along. In hospitals, offices, farms, everywhere.
@nour_odeh: #Gaddafi: We left power to the people in 1977. We don't have any position or authority, only fighting for Libya & defending it #Libya
@Dima_Khatib: Gaddafi: some youth sometimes try and imitate what happened in Tunisia & Egypt #libya #feb17
@avinunu: Gaddafi denies that he holds any power at all, that he handed it all over to the Libyan people back in 1977.
@draddee: Gaddafi: We are the ones who fought the US and UK on our soil and said we would die unless they cleared out. Where were you? #Libya
@acarvin: Gaddafi: At the hospital, no one dared to change the name. Where were you, you mercenaries? Who dared to do such things?
@avinunu: Gaddafi also claimed that all who had been killed were police.
@TravellerW: Don't dictators ever get tired of the “blaming the foreigners” theme? #libya #gaddafi
@JNovak_Yemen: #Libyan lunatic calls people to streets to fight protesters, taking a page from #AliSaleh rent-a-mobs #Yemen
@Ssirgany: He's directly calling for a civil war, telling his supporters to take to the streets, ARMED. #gaddafi #libya
@evanchill: Libyan state TV finally finds some “pro-Gaddafi” crowds, but they have to go to a dateless, placeless splitscreen to find them.
@sate3: http://twitpic.com/42lt4u – Clearly this is a delusional defiant & angry speech by a frustrated, helpless & gradiose dictator. #Feb17 #Libya
@Arabista: He's actually off his rocker!!!
@artate: in the reflection in Ghadaffi's glasses, you can't see any people in front, right?… http://tinyurl.com/6632g87 #libya #crazytalk
@ChangeInLibya: I don't get it? If he's swearing at our grandparents for not fighting americans.. aren't we meant to be egyptians and tunisians? #feb17
@blakehounshell: Amazing how hollow the anti-American rhetoric rings now #Qaddafi
@sate3: The view outside the building from where #Gaddafi is giving his speech #Feb17 http://twitpic.com/42lwil
@alexlobov: Can someone drone him now & put us all out of our misery?
@ceoDanya: #Gadafi is a psyco.
@Cyrenaican: We're not afraid of you, we were never your people.
@ceoDanya: DO YOU SEE PEOPLE WHAT I am TALKING ABOUT what the LIBYAN PPL are talking aBOUT! We need help! Men hal psyco!!
@lisang: I think these dictators are sharing a script. Evil foreign media, bad foreign influences, I spilt my blood for this country, time for reform
@tomgara: Look, Americans, this building has already been softened up by Reagan. Shouldn't be too hard to finish the job. Best live TV ending EVER.
@algergawi: Gaddafi Arabic speech should be transcribed in Arabic too.
@Mustafa_Qadri: “It's not true, Michael Jackson stole the colonel outfit from me” says Gaddafi “The one white glove was my idea!”
@bongkersz: I wonder if Hitler is going to be mad again on Youtube because #Gaddafi just sounded madder than him..
@TravellerW: A frequent theme in dictators’ speeches is how demonstrators are “children/youth/misguided/etc”, in order to discredit opponents. #libya
@AfriNomad: Does this count as Speech #2 or #3? And what's with #Gaddafi's fascination with rats & hallucinogens? #Libya #Feb17
@lioncub4justice: Breaking News: #Gaddafi is crazy #Libya
@warrenellis: Gadaffi's speech seems to boil down to “Everyone is on drugs except me. Also I am Batman.”
@thelieisacake: #Gaddafi will be a true test of the will and moral compass of the UN Security Council and countries/businesses that do business in #libya
Pos ini merupakan bagian dari liputan khusus kami Gejolak di Libya 2011 [En].