Pada tanggal 7 Juli 1962, gedung milik Federasi Persatuan Pelajar Seluruh Burma (All Burma Federation of Student Unions (ABFSU)) di bom oleh militer sebagai respon dari tentangan para pelajar terhadap kebijakan pemerintah. Banyak para pelajar yang meninggal atau luka-luka saat penyerangan tersebut.
50 tahun kemudian, ABFSU mengorganisir sebuah acara untuk memperingati terjadinya peristiwa tersebut. Namun pemerintah Myanmar kemudian menahan para pemimpin dari grup yang tidak dikenali oleh negara secara sah ini.
Peristiwa penahanan ini mengakibatkan komunitas di dunia maya, terutama generasi muda, untuk mempelajari betapa pentingnya peristiwa tanggal 7 Juli.
Ma Nandar menulis komentar mengenai latar belakang peristiwa 7 Juli 1962:
Though the words written with blood on the wall could be erased, it would not be possible to erase the history written with heart the blood of brothers from generation to generation.
Ernesto Kee Lin mempertanyakan [my] motivasi pemerintah untuk menahan para pelajar:
For me, just by this point, I even doubt if the current government is stepping towards democracy.
Banyak orang di komunitas dunia maya mengungkapan kemarahan mereka terhadap pemerintah karena melakukan aksi yang tidak perlu dan yang tidak menguntungkan pihak manapun. Wai Yan De Mo menganjurkan [my] agar pemerintah membebaskan para pemimpin pelajar yang masih dalam tahanan.
Detained ABFSU leaders are not asking for fabricated history like some are doing. They are asking for the building of ABFSU which actually existed in history. It's not a violent act, it's peaceful ceremony for remembrance.
They are not like those who are lying as citizens. They are true citizens who are sacrificing for the country.
Current situation is like throwing flowers to riot attackers (acting as flowers to enemies) and detaining true citizens who are sketching the country's history (acting as fire to citizens).
I urge the release of all the detained students as soon as possible.
Ini bukanlah aksi kekerasan, tetapi upacara secara damai untuk mengingat masa lampau.
Mereka bukan seperti lainnya yang berbohong sebagai warga negara. Mereka adalah warga negara sejujurnya yang rela mengorbankan diri demi negara mereka.
Situasi sekarang ibarat melemparkan bunga terhadap para demonstran (bersikap sebagai bunga terhadap musuh) dan menahan warga negara sejati yang sedang membentuk sejarah baru negara mereka (bersikap bagaikan api terhadap para warga negara).
Saya menganjurkan agar semua murid-murid yang ditahan dibebaskan secepat mungkin.
Nway Nay Won membela [my] acara ABFSU:
Regardless of the duration of detention, be it 1 day or 1 hour, detention is detention. It's violation of human rights. They are not trying to steal the sovereignty of the country, they are not selling the country, they are not telling tall tales about history and killing people. They are just trying to remember an event peacefully.
Beberapa anggota komunitas online mengutip dan mempublikasikan kata-kata dari Min Ko Naing, salah satu pemimpin dari para pelajar dalam Generasi 88.
If there was only one (member), that one person would continue (the event). The detention is an interference in the transition towards democracy and it's also a form of threat to the public
Lain halnya dengan beberapa orang di komunitas online yang percaya bahwa peristiwa 7 Juli tidaklah penting. May Thingyan Hein, kepala editor dari grup media Shwe Myit Ma Kha, menulis [my] sebuah tulisan berjudul “Jangan merasa kecewa hanya karena kamu tidak bisa mengadakan acara peringatan peristiwa 7 Juli”.
Money that would be used for the event could be given to farmers who are facing difficulties with their farms. It would really be effective. Public would really feel thankful. Then there are lots of refugee camps in Myanmar. It would be great if money would be donated there.
For me, rather than those which happened 50 years ago, current issues such as riot victims in Rakhine and Kachin refugee camps are much more important.
Pernyataan tersebut mendapat 145 komentar karena orang-orang yang mendukung ABFSU menyatakan kemarahan mereka. Ye Yint Kyaw, anggota dari komite acara ABFSU tanggal 7 Juli merespon sebagai berikut [my]:
Why did you choose only the cost of this event to talk? The July 7 event is not an event to celebrate and enjoy with food and drinks like other promotional events. For those who feel bad because the event is not allowed, they definitely would feel so, let me explain the value of July 7 first. You would understand that this (ABFSU) building is a historical building if you have ever read that General Aung San (as a student Ko Aung San) led (the university students) to the chair of chairman in the building that was demolished. Why do we value the museum of General Aung San [Author Note: Museum of General Aung San is his home where he lived.]? It's because of “history”.
ABFSU always donated to (victims of) natural disasters. We always helped the public, the farmers and workers (when they are in need of help). You may have read our efforts as you are an editor. What I wish to mean is that we would donate money when we should and we would do other events when we should. We also spent money for civil war victims in Kachin and acting against the Myit Sone Dam project.
ABFSU selalu menyumbang kepada (korban dari) bencana alam. Kita selalu membantu para rakyat, para petani dan pekerja (saat mereka butuh bantuan). Kamu bahkan mungkin telah membaca tentang berbagai kontribusi kita karena kamu seorang editor. Yang ingin aku sampaikan adalah kita akan mendonasikan uang saat kita harus dan kita akan mengadakan acara apabila kita harus. Kita juga menyumbangkan uang kepada korban perang saudara di Kachin dan bertindak menentang proyek bendungan Myit Sone.
Meski mendapat ancaman pemerintah, ABFSU sukses mengadakan acara tersebut. Wai Yan De Mo menulis [my] di blog-nya tentang acara tersebut dan mengeluarkan pernyataan tentang ABFSU. Kyaw Swar mempublikasikan [my] salinan dari pidato Aung San Suu Kyi yang diberikan tanggal 7 Juli 1989 yang menyetujui betapa pentingnya peristiwa tersebut. Grup ABFSU dari distrik Mon Ywa meng-upload bendera dari organisasi mereka dalam warna hitam sebagai simbol kesedihan mereka dan memperingati para korban.
Kebanyakan dari anggota dan pimpinan ABFSU yang ditahan telah dibebaskan saat malam hari di tanggal 7 Juli. Si Thu Maung, salah satu anggota yang ditahan, menjelaskan [my] proses pembebasan mereka:
They said that we couldn't do such event as ABFSU is not an association that is formed legally. And they didn't use the word “detaining”. They just called it as “discussion”. They promised that they would release us once the event is finished. But they interrogated us till 3 a.m one by one. Those are mainly mental attacks to us.